

Welcome to the brand-new Tetragon website. We designed and developed it in-house, and it tries to make full use of the capabilities of HTML5 and CSS3, something we hope to do more work with in the near future.

Tetragon was founded in 2010 because we felt that there was a need for technical innovation in publishing. We saw that a lot of publishers were outsourcing work to India, which was cheap but not always - shall we say - top quality. Without wishing to be unkind, this kind of thing. And we thought we could do better, and do it cheaply by automating a whole lot of stuff: we now have scores of InDesign scripts at our disposal, and have recently developed software to streamline the process from Word Document right down to ePub.

This isn't the same as chucking a book into a machine: we let the computers do the boring parts, but we go through every page of every book we set carefully and by hand. We don't like orphans, widows, runts or rivers (the web still isn't really up to handling these very well, so please ignore them here); we do like Robert Bringhurst and Typophile.

In this blog, we'll keep adding stuff of interest to people interested in literature and typography, and some technical tips on eBooks and new developments in our field. Because, let's face it, developing eBooks these days is a bit like developing for IE4 in 2003, and we're all finding our way in the dark... A few good blogs like Liz Castro's are about all we have...

— A B
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